Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Lamaštû: Poems for the Anti-Mother

Here is Lamaštû: Poems for the Anti-Mother, my new book in the series about various aspects of goddess, Dark Mother, Kali Maa, &  this volume is about Lamaštû. It is available direct from Lulu at this link, & will be available from Amazon & other corporate whores soon enough. Blurb & cover follow, as is my wont.

Edit: I have received & approved the proof for this today the 29th of January. It will be available from Amazon etc soon enough. It looks good.

This is the latest book in McLean's series about aspects of goddess, & Lamaštû is, together with Maa Kali & Tiamat, one of the three aspects that he regards as most primal. The next will probably be about Tiamat. As always there is a lengthy prose introduction before the poems.

The depiction of Lamaštû in popular fiction & films for the great unwashed is as offensive as the scurrilous lies told about Lilītu by the devotees of the patriarchal "gods".

But Lamaštû is a primal Mesopotamian goddess who was seen as being tasked with curbing human hubris. McLean sees Her as the form of Dark Mother most suited to the modern age, when population needs to be controlled & humanism & human narcissism need to be stamped out.

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