Coming to Amazon soon enough, & now accepted for global distribution, but at present at this link, here is my book Tara is the fire. Blurb & cover, then six samples, follow. Choosing some fairly arbitrary samples, not the best ones, I must say that this seems to be to be the best I ever wrote. There's quite a lot in this book about non-discrimination, intensity, incommensurability, human narcissism, & the fundamental nature of creation & cosmos, drawing on Karen Barad, among others. A lot of this was revealed to me by Lamaštû, somewhat to my surprise. Lamaštû is the subject of my next book, which, perhaps unsurprisingly, will be pretty much another antinatalist manifesto.
EDIT. This is on Amazon UK at this link, & Amazon USA at this.
This book is about Tara, the second Mahavidya. It continues McLean's series about goddess.
Tara embodies the explosive energy of cosmos that is constantly consumed & constantly renewed.
She teaches us how dualisms are empty, how ritual is unnecessary, & how alignment with goddess offers us liberation.